Add the power of
Wi-Pics PhoTab to your Canon or Nikon DSLR camera
Save Time – Improve Workflow – Increase Revenue
Data Associate photos by tagging and/or renaming photos with Barcode or other critical search data INSTANTLY.
Photos can be Data Associated and wirelessly transmitted to your server, laptop or printing station as you shoot.
Increase productivity by improving the speed and accuracy of your photo retrieval.
Process more photos in less time, increasing revenue.
Scan the barcode
Shoot the picture
Pictures are associated with barcode data,
wirelessly transmitted and available for
retrieval at your printing station in SECONDS!
With Wi-Pics PhoTab you can quickly and easily tag and/or rename your photos with barcode and other critical search data, add in Wi-Pics wireless functions and you now have the ability to transmit your Data Associated/Tagged photos to an editing or printing station, as you shoot!
When taking hundreds or even thousands of photos, you need to keep track of who or what is in each photo. In high volume workflows, associating people or products with their photos can be difficult and time consuming. Wi-Pics gives you the tools you need to quickly and easily search and retrieve photos directly after they are captured, allowing for a faster workflow, reduced costs, increased sales and a more profitable business.
Wi-Pics PhoTab gives you the tools to:
- Data Associate photos by tagging and/or renaming photos with barcode data INSTANTLY.
- Automatically separate pictures into folders based on barcode or other data.
- Automatically print unique barcoded receipts or claim tags for photos(requires optional Bluetooth Receipt Printer).
- Transmit photos quickly and securely via FTP or transfer directly to a USB flash drive.